Account Creation and Onboarding Process
Where can I download the Netizen App?
You can download Netizen App from Google Play Store and Apple Store
What is the type of account I will get after the registration?
Regular Savings Account.
Acceptable Valid IDs to open a Netizen Savings Account.
Philippines Passport
National ID or PhylSys ID
Seafarer’s Identity Document (SID)
Driver's License
PRC Card
NBI Clearance
Police Clearance
Postal I.D.
Barangay Certification
GSIS e-card
Senior Citizen’s Card
For Resident Aliens
Alien Certificate of Registration
Passport (Additional requirements)
For Students
Philsys and Immigrant Certificate of Residence or Immigrant of Registration
For Account Opening follow the steps below or check out the button below for video instructions
Download the Netizen App
Enter your active e-mail address
Enter the OTP via email
Enter the details Needed
Virtual Verification
Take a photo of your Valid I.D
Wait for the Approval via e-mail notification
How to Activate my Account?
Once you received the email notification Tap “I Have An Account”
Activate your account using or entering the details below from the email notification;
Document No. or ID No.
Account Number
Last Name
Click “Next” and enter the OTP you will receive via e-mail.
Set Up your “PIN” or “Touch ID”
Finally, click “Start Now” and you’re done.
or click the button below to follow the video instructions
I’m done with the Application process, how long will I wait for the Approval/Activation?
Account Application before 5pm PST during banking days will be processed the same day.
Account Application after 5pm PST will be processed on the next banking day.
Account Application during Fridays after 5pm PST will be processed on the next banking day (Monday).
Account Application during holidays will be processed on the next banking day.
Can I open a Netizen account for my family, so I can send money directly to them?
Yes, to open an account for your family they need to download the Netizen App on Play store and click ‘sign-up.’
Why is it better to send to my account name, rather than send it directly to my relatives?
Because this results in lower fees - you are doing one transfer only
And you can stay in control - you can then make transfers to whomever you want and when you want.
Why does the Netizen App request permission to access my Location, Contact List, Camera and Photos?
The app needs to access your Location, Contacts List, Camera, and Photos to function properly.
Your location and camera are used for security purposes. Your contacts list is used for selecting fund transfer recipient/s. Your camera and photos are used for account customization